Here is a little more about me...

I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be everything they can be. I believe life is a journey, and we need to embrace both the challenges and joys. We need embrace the struggles in life, learn from them, and allow them to make us better. That is why after 15 years in business as a professional photographer, I became a High Performance Coach. As a coach, I help people gain clarity about who they are, and who they want to be. I see them grow in their courage and energy and do the things they want to do. I see them become more productive with the things that really matter, and I see them become leaders and create change in their circle of influence.

What is a High Performance Coach and why did I become one?

I like to say that a High Performance Coach takes a more holistic approach and is kind of a hybrid between a life and business coach. Business coaches tend to focus on profitability, productivity, business systems, and marketing. Life coaches generally focus on mind-set, habits, physical well-being, and goal setting. I believe you need both, and that is what Certified High Performance Coaching is.

For me, being great in business, but being unhealthy and having poor relationships is not a life I want to live. Subsequently, feeling great but not actually getting anywhere is a false reality. So, that is where a High Performance Coach comes in.

I became a High Performance Coach because I had worked with a business coach who dramatically increased the turn over and profit of my business, but the business was then running me. I looked successful, but I struggled to be productive because I was constantly putting out fires with my staff and clients. I knew there had to be a better way. In the early 2000’s my university degree was in Youth Work, but just helping people back from crisis was not giving them a long term healthy lifestyle, so back then I gravitated towards helping the good kids stay motivated. So in 2018 when I discovered Certified High Performance Coaching that is scientifically proven and is holistic, I jumped on it! I learnt the tools, implemented them in my life and business, and they made such a difference that I went to the USA, trained and qualified as a CHPC. Now I have the honour of coaching others to live a life of High Performance.

Beyond Purpose Coaching Perth WA

Why did I call my coaching business Beyond Purpose?

I believe that it takes more than just knowing your purpose to live a fully dynamic life. It takes a whole range of skills and habits to be who you want to be, to live the life you want to live, and to make a genuine difference in your world. I believe discovering and getting truly connected to your purpose is essential, but there is another level. To reach the next level requires discipline, planning, setting your intentions, generating a new level of energy, and enhancing your influence. For me, the next level is truly living your purpose, that is why I called my business ‘Beyond Purpose’ becasue to live a fully engaged high performance life requires knowing more than just your purpose, it requires living it out .

... Here is a little bit of my story ...

I was born and raised in a fantastic home in Perth, Western Australia. My Dad was a boiler maker, a blue collar worker, and he worked every extra hour of overtime possible to provide for his family. My Mum was a stay at home mother, and she walked us to primary school every day. Life was great. We didn't have heaps of money, and with Dad working in construction, things weren't always stable but we had enough. Growing up I think the greatest gift my parents gave me was not to put any expectations nor limitations on me. I wasn't expected to follow my dad into a trade. I had the opportunity to be who ever I wanted to be. I think it was that gift that has made me the person I am today. I consider myself extremely lucky to have, and still have all the support and encouragement from my family. I have had a few major milestones along my journey, here are just a few...

Learning to fly

1992: Passion and Focus...

At the young age of 12 I fell in love with flying. I remember how totally passionate I was about everything related to aviation. I was completely one-eyed, (quite stubborn actually) and if it didn’t relate to flying, I really wasn’t interested. I was accepted into an aviation program at a specialist high school and spent 5 years studying the theory of flying up to the requirements for a commercial pilot's license.

Light aircraft training

1996: Competence - Confidence

At the age of 16, I flew an aircraft solo for the first time after only 9.2 hours of practical flight training. This was the moment I had been waiting for. The moment I had been training for my whole high school career. In that moment I had to have absolute confidence in my ability to land that aircraft or I was dead. This moment confirmed to me that I could accomplish almost anything I put my mind to. If I could fly a plane before I could drive a car, what was stopping me doing other great things?

University study

1998: University and a whole new direction...

After such devotion to aviation for so many years, in what may seem like an odd decision, I headed off to university to study a Bachelor of Social Science with a major in youth work. People became my focus. In fact, I decided that the career path of a pilot meant I would be away from my future family a lot, and although I loved flying, at age 17, I decided that people mattered more.

Motivational speaker Perth WA

2000: Motivational Speaking Internship

After 2 years of university, I had a drive to speak to people and motivate them to change their lives for the better. I sought out the best motivational speaker in Perth, dropped uni to part time and became his full time intern for 12 months. It was fantastic. I learnt so much and had the honour of speaking to audiences all over Western Australia.

Beach at sunset

2002: Burnout!

I clearly remember sitting on the beach watching a beautiful sunset and thinking ‘I don’t feel any emotion’. After a few visits to the doctor, I was diagnosed with burn out. I had been so passionate about my purpose, vision, and ministry, that I had burned the candle at both ends. I had a ‘savoir complex’. I wanted to help everyone and without the skills and discipline to say no, it caught up with me.

2003: A journey of self discovery...

With a little bit of encouragement, I embarked on a round the world journey. I clearly remember saying that every step past the immigration door at Perth airport would be new. Every moment, every corner, every taste and experience was something I had never seen, a place I had never been, an experience I had never felt. It was amazing. It took me back to basics. I remember standing in Paris and thinking, ‘All that really matters right now is that I have somewhere safe to sleep tonight and money for food. I have no commitments, no expectations. I don’t have to be anywhere or do anything, and that gives me the freedom to explore and experience without limitation’.

Perth Photography Studio

2004: The birth of Archer Imagery my photography business...

After returning home for my year away, I decided to start my own photography business. In fact, no one would hire me as a photographer as I didn't have any qualifications, so I started my own business. I had to learn marketing, management, web design, and social media. But, as a small business owner, starting from scratch gave me insights that I could not have learned any other way.

2007: I get to marry the woman of my dreams...

We met in 2003, and after 3 years together we tied the knot in January of 2007. Being in front of the camera was a bit of a challenge, but I resisted the urge to take photos (mostly).

Perth Photography studio

2010: I begin working with my business coach.

Almost by chance I attended a seminar and met my business coach. Over the next 4 years he transformed the way I thought about business. He taught me and my team how to be genuine, but also how to create a desire for our product that was genuine and that allowed our clients to feel comfortable with a large discretionary purchase. He had a saying, 'The money is not the goal, but the reward for doing a great job.' That has stuck with me every since.

Nathan Archer Coach

2018: Certified High Performance Coaching qualification...

My journey to becoming a Certified High Performance Coach started when I read Brendon Burchard's book 'High Performance Habits'. Putting the habits into place transformed my life, my thought patterns and my business. I had been feeling for a while that although I loved taking photos, I wanted to have a deeper impact in peoples lives, so I made the decision to close the studio, train as a coach in the USA, and now I get to help people just like you to reconnect with their heart and soul, to rediscover their dreams, to get clarity on who they want to be and the impact thy want to have in the world. I get to make my difference!

Business Coach Perth WA

What is next?

I am honoured to have the opportunity to coach people just like you. Drawing on everything I have learnt from my 17 years as a small business owner, plus the amazing training I have received from Brendon Burchard, I get to see peoples lives transformed. I truly do consider it an honour to to be a coach.

What would your life look like with just a little more clarity, courage, energy, productivity and influence? Call me on 0413 606 888 and let’s start your journey towards High Performance!